The "Return of the Seven" Crew donated a lot of money for different purposes.
Much money has been donated, for example, for the establishment of a school in Agost.
El Colegio La Milagrosa (
Between the mountains of photographs from the collection of Antonio Luengo I found 
some with a Padre who apparently collects donations on Set in Agost.
This might be Sr.Párroco Don Pedro López Rosa.
The Padre holds a small box in his hand with a slot for donations?
Actores y Equipo - El Regreso de los 7 - Return of the Seven.
He reads a letter! What's going on?
Everyone is happy. In the foreground are some typical pottery from Agost.
Probably the Padre blessed the whole shooting...
The Seven with Sr.Párroco Don Pedro López Rosa (?).
Thank you and God be with you all...
Julian Mateos wants to know if his donations are Tax-deductible.
One last photo with the boys on Set in Agost.